Kick Fever Fitness – Change Your Exercise Perspective

Do you throw in the towel after missing just one day of your well-planned-out exercise routine? If so, you may be approaching exercise all wrong.
Chances are you’re one of the millions of people looking for a quick fix – something that’s both unhealthy and unrealistic. It doesn’t make sense to think that you can undo years of sedentary living in just a couple of weeks.

Losing weight and toning up takes time, so it pays to be patient with your fitness goals. After all, slow and steady wins the race.
Plan on being active every day, but don’t plan on exercising yourself to death. Being active daily could mean simply going for a walk on the days when you just don’t have the time or energy to hit the gym.

It doesn’t have to mean spending seven days a week in grueling exercise classes on top of pumping iron five days a week.
Redefine the reason you exercise and you’ll see more positive results.

Yes, you exercise to get in shape or keep your shape, but you also should exercise to keep your heart and lungs in tip-top condition.
Change the way you look at exercise and you’ll soon realize your vision for a healthier you.